One of South Dakota's most iconic former residents may soon be getting her own Lego playset.
The prototype "Little House on the Prairie" set was created by user Seignuer Fett as part of the "Lego Ideas" project, a crowd-sourced competition for new Lego designs. The set designed by Seignuer Fett represents a scene from the "Little House on the Prairie" TV series, set on the banks of Plum Creek in Minnesota. Plum Creek was the Ingalls family's final stop before moving to what was then Dakota Territory in 1879. The set features a house, barn and the Ingalls family including Charles, Caroline, Mary, Laura, Carrie and their dog, Jack. Photos from the designer show even the smallest of details including Pa's rifle sitting on the top of the fireplace and red and white quilts on the childrens' beds.
Lego designers aged 13 and up from across the world are invited to submit their Lego set prototype to the Lego Ideas website and solicit public support for their project. Those projects receiving at least 10,000 supporters move on to the final phase wherein a review board of Lego designers and marketing representatives evaluate each project and choose a select few to become Lego sets available for retail purchase. The winning designs receive 1% of the retails sales of the set as well as credit as the set designer.
The "Little House on the Prairie" Lego set reached the minimum 10,000 supporters to move to the next phase on Monday, August 29, 2016. The review process will last up to six months. You follow the progress of the design on Lego's Ideas page here:
Some detailed photos from Seignuer Fett's design:

All photos credited to Seigneur Fett Flickr account--see all phots in their high res glory here: