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Producers Guidelines | SDPB

South Dakota Public Broadcasting Content Submission Guidelines For Independent Media Producers


Whether in the form of video content or written proposal, all submissions are required to include the Submission Materials noted below. Please send all Submission Materials to [email protected] . Submissions will be reviewed in the order received. A link to a posting (e.g. Vimeo, private or unlisted YouTube) is preferred for video content submissions. The preferred file format for written proposals is .doc or .pdf.

Submission Materials must include the following information:


Summarize the subject matter and storyline in one page or less.


Provide demographic information about the intended audience with supporting research. Describe the thematic goals of the project – either a community need (i.e. creating awareness of a timely and relevant issue and/or imparting important information to the public about a particular issue, etc.) or an SDPB content need (i.e. a gap in the relevant topics presented on any one or more of our platforms). If possible, provide examples of local or national content the submission bears similarity to or compliments.


Please identify Key Participants in the project. This includes producers, directors, writers, performers, videographers and editors – people who significantly contribute to the character of the content. Identify other projects the Key Participants have been involved with and any awards they may have won. We strongly recommend that productions involve experienced video-storytelling professionals.


If submitting a written proposal, provide a schedule for all stages of development, including fundraising, pre-production, production, and post-production. Be sure to clearly indicate when the project is expected to be completed, or if it’s a series proposal when all episodes will be completed. If the project is already underway, explain its current status and plans for completion.


Provide an itemized list of costs for all phases of project development. Include salaries, production costs, post-production costs, talent, rights acquisition, travel expenses, insurance, rentals, etc..


Identify the length of the project. Standard lengths for broadcast are one-hour (56:46) and half-hour (26:46); other platforms, such as web and social media, accept the content of varying lengths. For series or series proposals, including the number and length of all episodes.


For video content submissions, list funders in order of contributions, from largest contributor to smallest, and the amounts contributed. Include funders you are planning to contact and anticipated amounts. Please describe any relationship between any of the funders and the project's subject matter and/or the project's Key Participants. (e.g. Does anyone from the funders’ organization appear on camera? Are any scenes shot on a funder’s location? Are any commercial products or services identified? Are any of the Key Participants in the project current or past employees of any of the funders or subjects of the content?).

For written proposals, list funders you are planning to contact, and please describe any relationship between any of the funders and the project's subject matter and/or the project's Key Participants.


If your video content is accepted by SDPB, please be advised that delivered content must comply with the following:

CLOSED CAPTIONING is required for all productions on all platforms and must conform to FCC rules and regulations. Before video content can be approved for SDPB’s broadcast and/or online platforms, the producer must submit a Letter of Compliance from the party providing closed captioning stating that the provider complies with FCC rules and regulations.

CLEARANCES must be documented in writing. This includes appropriate releases for individuals appearing on screen, and releases for intellectual property, such as music, photos, artwork and/or footage acquired from outside sources.


If video content is accepted, producers will be asked to provide a minimum of the following:

· Short description (2-3 sentences)

· Long description (2-3 paragraphs)

· Minimum of three (3) high-resolution images cleared for promotional use on all platforms

· Promotional videos – one (1) 30-second and one (1) 15-second – that meet broadcast specifications and include at least 5 seconds at the end to accommodate SDPB tags (e.g., “Airing next month!”)


If accepted, video content is required to be delivered per SDPB’s Technical specifications.