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SD Hall of Fame Black Elk Symposium at Black Hills Studio

The public is invited to a special event at SDPB’s Black Hills Studio, 415 Main St., Rapid City on Thursday, August 2 at 1:30pm. The symposium features Myron Pourier, Great-Great Grandson of Black Elk representing his ancestor and 2018 South Dakota Hall of Fame Inductee. Other anticipated members of the panel include:


·         Charles Trimble (Oglala Lakota), Journalist and 2013 South Dakota Hall of Fame Inductee

·         Bradley Saum, Author of “Black Elk Peak: A History”

·         Dale Lamphere, Artist and sculptor of Dignity – of Earth and Sky

If you aren't able to join us in person, watch the live stream today beginning at 2:30pm Central, 1:30 Mountain on

Heȟáka Sápa (Black Elk) (December 1, 1863 – August 19, 1950) was a famous wičháša wakȟáŋ (medicine man and holy man) and heyoka of the Oglala Lakota. Near the end of his life, Black Elk met with amateur ethnologist John G. Neihardt and recounted to him his religious vision, events from his life, and details of Lakota culture. Neihardt edited a translated record and published “Black Elk Speaks” in 1932. That book has since been translated into many languages and is an important source for studying Native spirituality.