In the 35 years since they were married, Rapid City couple Bruce Junek and Tass Thacker have traveled to some of the world’s most exotic places, usually on bicycle. They’ve biked across African deserts, through the Andes and in the Middle East. Altogether they’ve visited more than 53 countries.
In 2011 they biked through China – from the south during monsoon season, through the Tibetan plateau, to the Gobi Desert in the north. That trip is the subject of a new documentary, Bruce and Tass Bicycle China. It screens next Wednesday, May 6 at the Elks Theatre in Rapid City as a part of the Black Hills Film Festival.
Over the years they've documented their travels in educational slide shows, but this is the first time they've made a film. And maybe the last too. Bruce Junek and Tass Thacker joined Dakota Midday and discussed the documentary and sharing their life together on screen.