The two-man show, A Couple of Blaguards, is based on the real-life adventures of brothers Frank and Malachy McCourt. It takes them from an impoverished childhood in Limerick, Ireland to their immigration to Brooklyn in the 1950s. The play is a comedic remembrance based in the Irish storytelling tradition, but it also has a poignant edge. Frank and Malachy McCourt first put together the show in the 1980s, and many of the anecdotes later appeared in Frank McCourt’s Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir, Angela’s Ashes, and Malachy McCourt’s memoir, A Monk Swimming. Frank McCourt passed away in 2009.
The Black Hills Playhouse is featuring a special production of A Couple of Blaguards starring two playhouse alums, Jeff Kingsbury as Frank McCourt and Graham Thatcher as Malachy McCourt. It’s directed by Anna Marie Thatcher. The production is a special fundraising show produced by the Black Hills Playhouse Alumni Association to raise money to upgrade the electrical systems in the theater. There’s a reception for Malachy McCourt at the playhouse on Saturday afternoon.
Graham Thatcher, Anna Marie Thatcher and Malachy McCourt joined Dakota Midday and discussed the production.
For more information, visit the Black Hills Playhouse website here.