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The Adventures of Lupe

In The Moment … May 15, 2020 Show 818 Hour 1

We live in a time when our world is shifting perceptively. And yet some things remain the same. The mountains. Humans taking long walks. Dogs out for an adventure. A good story. Today we bring you a conversation that unfolds at the pace of a hike through the Hills. It's about a guy and his dog and a blog about the dog ... and the guy ... and the hike.

SDPB's Michael Zimny went out with the (human) creator and (canine) star of "The Mostly True Adventures of Lupe" in order to bring you a quintessentially Black Hills story.

This piece is narrated by SDPB's Lee Strubinger and features the voice of the Slowly Plodding Human Porter, as well as the paw-steps of a dog born for adventure. 


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