This interview originally aired on "In the Moment" on SDPB Radio.
When Casey Hibbert proposed putting on The Iliad to Max Merchen, Merchen wasn't fully on board at first. Homer's epic poem is complex. It covers a decade-long war with a whole host of characters. Plus, it's old. Even older than Shakespeare.
But when Merchen read the script, he found the story captivating—and relevant. For a four-thousand-year-old tale, it's surprisingly relatable.
Hibbert is a professional actor who will play all the characters in the production. He and Merchen join In the Moment to discuss why they're putting on an adaption of The Iliad, how they'll pull it off and how they're updating the story.
An Iliad opens on Friday, Feb. 10 and continues through Feb. 19 at the Matthews Opera House in Spearfish.