Corpus Callosum Lesson
Are You Connected from Old School Science Demonstrations
Brain Activity: Corpus Callosum
An engaging hands-on activity used to test if the corpus callosum (the part of the brain that connects the right and left hemispheres) is connected. Your students/kids will love this one! Everything you need to complete the activity is found below. (Grade: Upper Elementary-HS)
- Video Lesson (below)
- List of Materials (Download demo card)
- Brain PowerPoint (PPTX)
- Related Video - Scientific American Frontiers: The Man with Two Brains - YouTube (Must Watch!)
- The entire episode (PIECES OF MIND), with narration, is coming soon.
- The Curious Case of the Man with "Two Minds" - BBC Reel meets the father of split-brain syndrome, Mike Gazzaniga, to understand how researchers discovered how we all have "two minds."
- Be Smart - Do You Really Have Two Brains?
Corpus Callosum Demonstration
For more information about SDPB's K-12 educational resources and services,
contact Steven Rokusek at [email protected] / (605)222-3422
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