Near the traditional homelands of the Arikara (Sahnish and Hundi), Mandan and Hidatsa, Mobridge is situated near the Missouri River, Lake Oahe and the Standing Rock Indian Reservation just west of U.S. Highway 83.
Scherr-Howe Event Center
Also known as the Mobridge City Auditorium, the Scherr-Howe Event Center was built as a WPA project in the 1930s. It is home to 10 early murals from renowned Native American artist Oscar Howe. Howe painted the murals in 1942, starting on April 18 and finishing on June 22. On June 5, Howe was inducted into the US Army at Fort Snelling, but he received a 14-day furlough to finish the project. The murals were restored in 2014. Additionally, the venue is also named after Bill and Jim Scherr, who were Olympic medalists in wrestling. Both brothers are also in the SD Sports Hall of Fame. The building has been on the National Historic Registry since 1986.
Tumblin’ In
In the fall of 1989, Mobridge residents had to dig themselves out of a massive tumbleweed invasion that buried the town, attracting national attention to the curious storm. SDPB revisits the “Attack of the Tumbleweeds.”

Cowdogs Are Go-To Ranch Hands
Man’s best friend can also be their best help. Mobridge ranch manager David Dagley relies on a team of trained cow dogs to help him manage cattle on the 10,000-acre AC Land and Cattle Ranch.

An all-new episode of Dakota Life premieres Thursday, November 4, at 8pm (7 MT) on SDPB1 and Rebroadcasts Sunday, November 7, at 1pm (noon MT).