On July 6, 2019, a ceremony was held at the Friendship Tower atop Mount Roosevelt, near Deadwood, South Dakota.

Reenactors portraying Teddy Roosevelt and Seth Bullock. (See more photos on Flickr.)
Old West notable Seth Bullock had the 31-foot tall stone structure built to honor his long time friendship with Teddy Roosevelt. The tower was originally dedicated on July 4, 1919. Roosevelt had died earlier that year. Bullock would pass away a few months later.

Scene of the tower dedication on July 4, 1919. Photo courtesy: Deadwood History Inc., Adams Museum Collection, Deadwood, SD

Seth Bullock at the Friendship Tower in 1919. Photo courtesy: Deadwood History Inc., Adams Museum Collection, Deadwood, SD
The Reverend Michael Johnson, Deadwood, delivered an invocation that included words from the invocation delivered at the 1919 dedication.
The 2019 ceremony featured comments from Larry Rhoden, South Dakota Lieutenant Governor, and Mark Van Every, Black Hills National Forest Supervisor.
Masons from South Dakota and North Dakota performed a re-dedication ceremony. (See more photos on Flickr.)

Members of the Black Hills Backcountry Horsemen presented and retired the colors.
Related: http://www.sdpb.org/blogs/images-of-the-past/the-friendship-tower/
Learn More: U.S. Forest Service Page
The event was organized and supported by: Business Improvement District of Deadwood, US Forest Service, Deadwood Chamber of Commerce, Deadwood Historic Preservation, Masons of South Dakota, the Northern Hills Recreation Association, Lawrence County Search & Rescue, Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department and the cities of Deadwood and Lead.