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James Kienitz

 Image of a gray-haired James Kienitz in glasses, a blue and grey striped polo shirt and Veteran baseball cap

WWII Veteran James H. Kienitz

James H. Kienitz, 2007 (Interviewed by Julia Monczunski)

  • Branch of Service: United States Army Air Corps
  • Highest Rank: Tech Sergeant
  • Military Service: Drafted, 1941 - 1945 

Listen to the following sections by scrolling forward to the timecode.

:00 - Branch of service
1:20 - Described metals (photo below)
4:20 - Forced landing and other missions
7:10 - Missions and jobs on plane
9:18 - Plan hit by gunfire
10:45 - Bombing of Pearl Harbor
12:30 - The Draft
13:47 - War changes you
14:38 - Letters home
17:40 - Crew and friendships
19:20 - Close calls on B-24
29:25 - War was a job
33:22 - Reunions 

James H. Kienitz Obiturary 

This story was recorded at an SDPB event in Hot Springs, SD. 

Images Provided by James H. Kienitz

The image above is from James H. Kienitz's bombing journal. (Click to Read Journal

image of United States Army diploma

Diploma, United States Army, Radio Operators and Mechanics

Image of James H. Kienitz in blue shirt and baseball cap holding display case of several WWII Service Medals

James H. Kienitz Holds His WWII Service Medals

Image of James H. Kienitz is standing next to a bomber airplane

James H. Kienitz is standing next to a bomber which is similar to the one he flew in during WWII. (Photo taken in Florida, 1998)

image of bomber group of nine in uniform next to airplane with name "Paper Doll" on the side

Bomb Squadron, 1944 (James H. Kienitz is pictured bottom row, the first gentleman on the left)

Image of handwritten list on bomb squad crew member names

Bomb Squadron


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