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Joseph Habeger

Image of a gray haired Joseph Habeger wearing glasses, a tan shirt, and a black leather vest

WWII Veteran Joseph E. Habeger, 2007

Joseph E. Habeger, 2007, (Interviewed by Randall Barrett)

  • Military Service: National Guard, 1937 - 1940
  • Army Air Corp, 1940 - 1962
  • Highest Rank: Full Colonel

Listen to the following sections by scrolling forward to the timecode.

:50 - Joined National Guard in 1937 to start carrier
3:08 - Was the youngest sergeant in the military
4:16 - Pilot active combat; Blue Start Program
8:26 - How to get through battle situations; cause of the war
10:03 - The enemies
12:20 - Duty to serve
Joseph Habeger Obituary 

This story was recorded at an SDPB event in Madison, SD. 

Images Provided by Joseph E. Habeger
image of Joseph Habeger in flight gear

Joseph E. Habeger, Flight Cadet

Joseph E. Habeger met Dee Johnson in Madison, South Dakota, 1939. They were married in August of 1943.

Image of airfield

Easter Sunday, 1945

image of airman point to a map during briefing
image of airman pointing to a map in a briefing

Briefing before a combat mission during WWII.

image of an WWII aerial assault mission map

WWII aerial assault mission. Joseph E. Habeger was the lead pilot on this bomb sequence.

Aerial photo of a bridge bombed

Aerial photo of a bridge bombed by Joseph E. Habeger during WWII.

Joseph E. Habeger, second from right, is pictured with his classmates and flight instructor.

Joseph E. Habeger, second from right, is pictured with his classmates and flight instructor.

image of a Navigation Progress Sheet

Joseph E. Habeger's Navigation Progress Sheet of his first cross-country flight.

image of WWII tobacco and mileage rations.

WWII tobacco and mileage rations.

image of a newspaper article with photo of Habeger
Image of newspaper article
Image of newspaper article

WWII articles provided by Joseph E. Habeger

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