Marvin Melius

Dakota Digest - WWII Veteran Marvin Melius, 2007
Marvin Melius, 2007 (Interviewed by Chuck Beck, SDPB Radio)
- Branch of Service: Navy
- Highest Rank: Chief Petty Officer - Torpedoman (CTM)
- Military Service: Enlisted, May 1939 - Oct. 1945
Listen to the following sections by scrolling forward to the timecode.
:29 - Stationed in Pearl Harbor
2:03 - Day of Pearl Harbor attack
15:41 - The naming being O'Hara Airfield in Chicago
16:05 - Battle of Midway
21:07 - Memories of discharge orders
24:06 - Feelings on WWII & Pearl Harbor movies
This story was recorded at an SDPB event in Faulkton, SD.

Marvin Melius marries one month after the war ends.

Marvin Melius was aboard the USS Jenks, which was one of the destroyers that helped capture the German U-505. The German U-505 is now on display at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry.

Marvin Melius's Pearl Harbor Survivor license plate.

Newspaper article about Pearl Harbor attack. (Article was provided by Marvin Melius.)

Newspaper article about Pearl Harbor survivor Marvin Melius.

Newspaper article about German U-Boat ceremony attended by Marvin Melius.

U.S.S. Ralph Talbot DD-390

Ancient Order of the Deep

War & Navy Departments V-Mail Service

A censored letter, shown above, was sent by Marvin Melius to his Mother, Dad, and All during WWII.

A reassuring letter from Marvin Melius to his parents, Mr. & Mrs. William Melius.

City of Chicago Proclamation, June 4, 2005, to be U-505 Day in Chicago.
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