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Tony Schatz

Tony Schatz wearing glasses, a tan button up shirt, and a tan cardigan sweater

WWII Veteran Tony Schatz, 2007

Tony Schatz, 2007 (Interviewed by Randall Barrett)

  • Branch: United States Navy
  • Military Service: September 23, 1942 - October 1945
  • Highest Rank: BM 1st Class

Listen to the following sections by scrolling forward to the timecode.

:45 - Training
1:30 - Time on USS Block Island (aircraft carrier); looking for submarines, took three torpedoes, abandon ship, swim through gas, the ship sank, thirty-day survival leave
6:03 - New ship, suicide planes, liberated prisoners, point system to go home (discharged)
9:53 - What learned from the war

Anthony "Tony" Schatz Obituary 

This story was recorded at an SDPB event in Madison, SD. 

Images Provided by Tony Schatz
Tony Schatz holding piece of German printed material

Tony Schatz holds an article given to him by a group of German POWs. The USS Block Island transported the German POWs in February of 1944. The German prisoners made the piece during transport.

German ship and text printed on material

The article was given to Tony Schatz by German POWs.

Card describing article given to Tony Schatz

The article was given to Tony Schatz by German POWs.

German cap with writing and ship drawing

The hat above was given to Tony Schatz by German POWs.

Survivors of the USS Block Island at Casablanca standing in a large line

Survivors of the USS Block Island at Casablanca. Tony Schatz, indicated by an arrow, survived the attack and was rescued by the USS Aherns. (Photo provided by Tony Schatz.)

a large group of POWs laying on cots

Tony Schatz was aboard the CVE 106 which transported these British and Australian Prisoners of War to the Island of Manila. (Photo provided by Tony Schatz.)

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