Dan Grosz

Dan Grosz - Home Front WWII Story
Dan Grosz, 2007
- Branch of Service: United States Marines
- Highest Rank: Sergeant
- Military Service: Enlisted, 1942 - 1946
Listen to the following sections by scrolling forward
to the timecode.
0:00 - Enlisted after Pearl Harbor, discipline difficult; never forgive Japanese
3:52 - Battles; repatriate
4:52 - Battle of Iwo Jima; wounded
6:32 - Leader; trained to win; broke his spirit and then made a Marine
11:26 - Very dirty and filthy in mud; fought Japanese; met wife
14:12 - Stayed one year after the war ended - helped him adjust
16:10 - Pearl Harbor memory helped condition him to fight; stars changed as passed southern hemisphere
18:55 - Nagasaki after the bomb
20:14 - Unusual foods
23:32 - Dan did not get along with people from China and Japan
Independent Submission
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