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Learn How to Count Back Change

Kids' Quest: Making Change Really Counts is an Emmy-nominated counting-back change program. The program makes the topic of counting back change both educational and FUN! The Supporting Materials section contains two in-depth lesson plans, seven worksheets, and ten interactive PowerPoints. These resources will help students recognize money, count money, and count back change.

Safety Alert—As an educator, you are responsible for implementing the activities. You must establish safety procedures and rules for your classroom and ensure all students follow the rules to ensure a safe environment. SDPB cannot in any way be responsible or liable for any injury as a result of using the activities. Use the activities you feel are appropriate and safe for your class. Have fun, and stay safe!

Special Thanks - Coffee Shop Gallery, Vermillion, Davis Pharmacy, Vermillion, Don Forseth, Dowry Costumes, Sioux City, Iowa, Don Harris, Hy-Vee, Vermillion, Nook 'n Cranny, Vermillion, Kayla Roberts, Tiger Art Gallery, Vermillion, Wal-Mart, Vermillion, Advisory Panel, Chad Andersen, Bob Bosse, Wess Pravecek, Sherri Rodgers-Conti, Steven Rokusek, Bylander, Ruth, Jim Sprecher, Brad Van Osdel, Holy Trinity Elementary School, Hartington, NE 3rd and 5th Grade Class

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KIDS' QUEST: MAKING CHANGE REALLY COUNTS was funded in part by WHAT'S UP IN FINANCE? which was made possible by Moody's Foundation.