Other Resources: Native American Studies | SDPB
Video Series - PreK Through 4th Grade
Videos, Interactives, Lesson Plans, and More!
The PowerPoint series includes a brief history of buffalo in South Dakota. Also, there are photos of buffalo parts, like a buffalo hide and tail. Your students are encouraged to guess the traditional use of the buffalo part and its location on the buffalo.
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PBS Learning Media (Search Today!) Example resources below:
- Video Clip Above - Boarding Schools
- Video and Activities - Native Voices (Oral Tradition)
- Video- Kevin Locke
- Video Interview - Indian Reorganization Act, Treaties, Etc.
Boarding Schools
Dakota Life from Mission, SD
From the Lakota Language Consortium
From LLC, "The Buffalo and the Boat is an attractive bilingual picture book designed for early elementary and preschool children. It tells the entertaining story of a buffalo in his bull boat traveling down the river and meeting friends. Each different animal joins buffalo and they continue down the river until the surprise ending. Children learn basic verbs, sentence structure, animals, and numbers. Can be used for multiple lessons. Ages 3-8." (Purchase the Book)
For more information about SDPB's educational resources and services contact Steven Rokusek at [email protected] or at (605) 222-3422