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SDPB Radio Coverage of the South Dakota Legislature. See all coverage and find links to audio and video streams live from the Capitol at www.sdpb.org/statehouse

Agriculture Institute Visits With Lawmakers

Nate Wek

Officials with the Northern Crop Institute want lawmakers to know what's happening in agriculture. The mission of NCI is to inform people of the possibilities and changes in agriculture.

The Northern Crop Institute  focuses its attention on crops in the four state region of Montanta, North Dakota, Minnesota and South Dakota. NCI's studies show a premium style of wheat in the region in and around South Dakota. NCI Director Mark Weber says he's in Pierre to educate lawmakers.

"The chairman of the House Ag Committee was very generous and inviting us to be here today, to use this as an opportunity to educate the members of this committee on some of the activities the northern crop institute has been doing," Weber says. "So we’re not here today to ask for any appropriation or anything like that but simply give them an update on some of the ongoing activities of the institute."

South Dakota is one of three states that appropriate funds to NCI.  The state gives about $75,000 annually.  Minnesota and North Dakota also fund NCI.

Republican Representative Herman Otten is on the House Agriculture and Natural Resource Committee. 

"Well agriculture is the number one industry in the state of South Dakota and I think it’s very important to understand all aspects of the business," Representative Otten says.

Otten says NCI educates people about agriculture and that can only benefit the state.

NCI Director Weber says the wheat grown in the Midwest has more protein than in other parts of the world, which gives farmers more options.

"The challenge for us is we have this huge diverse mix of crops that we grow in this four state region and the market is becoming more specialized. Buyers are becoming more sophisticated; they’re wanting very specific quality specifications," Weber says.

Weber tells lawmakers times are changing for the better in agriculture.

Nate Wek is currently the sports content producer and sports and rec beat reporter for South Dakota Public Broadcasting. He is a graduate of South Dakota State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism Broadcasting and a minor in Leadership. From 2010-2013 Nate was the Director of Gameday Media for the Sioux Falls Storm (Indoor Football League) football team. He also spent 2012 and 2013 as the News and Sports Director of KSDJ Radio in Brookings, SD. Nate, his wife Sarah, and three sons, Braxan, Jordy, and Anders live in Canton, SD.