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SDPB Radio Coverage of the South Dakota Legislature. See all coverage and find links to audio and video streams live from the Capitol at www.sdpb.org/statehouse

No Vetoes For State Lawmakers to Consider

There won’t be any bills to consider when the State Legislature returns for Veto Day on Monday. Governor Dennis Daugaard announced Thursday he’s signing the rest of bills passed this session. The Governor vetoed only one bill that would’ve increased a hotel tax in Deadwood, but lawmakers took action on it during the main session. Tony Venhuizen with the Governor’s Office says there was consensus on the big issues.

“There were some bills that were introduced this year that had they passed the Governor would’ve considered vetoing. This year, anyway, the legislative process worked and with that one exception earlier this year the bills that’ve passed down to the Governor are all things he’s comfortable with signing,” Venhuizen says.
Venhuizen says having only one veto is a little unusual, as the Governor usually disagrees with a couple bills. The Governor has the ability to veto entire bills, line items within the general appropriations bill, and vetoes to correct style and form of legislation.