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SDPB Radio Coverage of the South Dakota Legislature. See all coverage and find links to audio and video streams live from the Capitol at www.sdpb.org/statehouse

Lawmakers Will Discuss Gov's Road Funding Bill Tuesday

Lawmakers will discuss Governor Dennis Daugaard’s road funding legislation this week. House Bill 1131 raises license and vehicle registration fees and increases the gas tax to pay for South Dakota roads and bridges. The bill increases road funding to 50 million dollars a year. A similar proposal, Senate Bill 1, would increase road funding to 100 million dollars per year.

Daugaard says he is willing to find a compromise between the two bills or other proposals that may come forth. He says it’s important for lawmakers to pass legislation that addresses the state’s road funding needs this session rather than putting it off in the future.

"The amount of money it takes maintain a good or excellent road is much less than the amount of money it takes to maintain a fair or poor road. And so if we address the need adequately now if will reduce greatly the amount of money we have to come up with later. And the delay won’t save us the dollars that we’re going to have to additionally spend."

Daugaard says he would prefer a compromise that at least provides for the 50 million dollar increase he initially requested. He says anything below that would not keep up with road maintenance.

The Governor’s proposal is scheduled for a hearing in front of the House Transportation committee Tuesday at 10:00 am. 
