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Warm Weather Spikes Fire Danger

Bill Gabbert
Wildfire Today

Although spring is not yet here, warmer than average weather and dry conditions are causing an increase in fire danger in Western South Dakota. 

The warm and windy weather in parts of the state has melted snow and left some areas prone to burn.

Darren Clabo is the state fire meteorologist. He says Western South Dakota is currently under the very high fire danger category.

“Right now it’s primarily focused west of the Missouri River. The eastern side of the state there are some dry areas, but by in large they had more snowpack and so their soil moistures and their fields are a little more damp. Western South Dakota we didn’t see alot of snow late in the winter and so things are dry- just exposed to the wind which dries them out further. In Western South Dakota we’ll see fires here for the next month and a half unless we get some notable precipitation,” says Clabo.

Clabo says increased fire danger could last for the next 4-6 weeks until the start of spring.

Credit Bill Gabbert / Wildfire Today
Wildfire Today
Fire departments respond to a fire near Buffalo Gap that started March 3.

Last week a fire near the town of Buffalo Gap consumed two acres, burned down an outbuilding, and damaged a mobile home.

Jeni Lawver is with South Dakota Wildland Fire. She says Wildland Fire Officials are asking people to be careful.

“We’re really urging the public to be aware of their activity when they’re out doors. If they’re driving through grass try and stay on the roads, if you’re running heavy equipment make sure that your equipment has spark arrestors, and if you go out to any of the shooting areas really make sure you haven’t ignited any sparks or maybe consider an alternative time to go out shooting when fire danger isn’t high,” says Lawver.  

Credit Bill Gabbert / Wildfire Today
Wildfire Today
Damages from the fire included a mobile home.

Lawver says the cause of the fire near Buffalo Gap is currently unknown.