In The Moment ... March 6, 2017 Show 043 Hour 2

We begin hour two with Sioux Falls business owner Teri Katzenberger. Teri is on a mission to revive the recently closed Rock & Roll Academy. We'll talk about the program and her plans to mobilize regional philanthropists to save the music academy. Click here for more information on how you can support this cause.
Mick Conlin is founder of The Fearless Foundation, an organization that seeks to re-imagine and restructure charitable giving. Mick is joined by Cara DeHaan from Theresa's House and Dawson Muska from Compassion Childcare.
Jessica Michak, archivist with Deadwood History, Inc., joins us for this week's Images of the Past feature. Today we talk about Henry Frawley, a lawyer who settled in Lawrence County in 1877 and ended up owning the largest ranch in the state of South Dakota at the time. The ranch is now on the National Regiser of Historic Places.