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In The Moment ... The Power Of Play

Hugh Weber

In The Moment ... April 4, 2017 Show 064 Hour 2

We make room for some improv and spontaneity with this week’s episode of The Potluck Society. Hugh Weber is the host of the Potluck Society and an SDPB contributor. Today we talk about how the play of our childhood translates to creativity as adults. Plus, In the Moment host Lori Walsh takes on Hugh’s action antidote challenge by calling her brother  to talk about creativity and being in the flow of play.

Patrice M. Buzzanell is a Distinguished Professor in the Brian Lamb School of Communication and School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. She's in Brookings at SDSU today. At 2 p.m SDSU in the Student Union, she presents "Leading Everyday Resilience Enactment in the Workplace." We talk about meaningful ritual, the power of story, and building relationships that aid in dealing with life disruption and tragedy.


Chris is a producer for In the Moment.