Christine Herman
The former first lady fought with persistence to put care for mental and physical health on equal footing and to eliminate discrimination toward people with mental illnesses.
Many K-12 school districts are tapping federal funds to pay for regular surveillance testing of students. It's an effective pandemic tactic when used alongside mask-wearing and other precautions.
NewsRural health experts are calling on trusted agricultural leaders — like farmers and ranchers — to use their understanding of science and nudge vaccine-hesitant neighbors to roll up their sleeves.
A growing number of kids struggle with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. A new way of linking hospitals and schools may be the key to getting more of them help.
The U.S. is the only industrialized nation where the rate of pregnancy-related deaths is rising. Experts say one way to save lives is making sure new mothers don't lose their health insurance.
The U.S. is the only industrialized nation where the rate of pregnancy-related deaths is rising. Black mothers face the highest risk, and the CDC estimates over half of these deaths are preventable.
The pandemic has been stressful for millions of children. If that stress isn't buffered by caring adults, it can have lifelong consequences. There's a lot schools can do to keep that from happening.
Some states are prioritizing farmworkers in their vaccine rollout. Many of these workers are from Mexico, and are getting vaccinated much sooner than they would in their home countries.
Getting COVID-19 tests and vaccine to essential workers on commercial farms and in meatpacking plants requires more than a pop-up clinic miles away. A positive test can be financially devastating.
Despite being at-risk, essential workers, many who work in farming or meatpacking still lack access to coronavirus testing. Farmworker advocates say that doesn't bode well for vaccination outreach.