Genevieve Valentine
This oral history of the Back to the Future movies offers a wealth of fascinating historical trivia — but critic Genevieve Valentine says it's carefully broad scope can mean a lack of sharp analysis.
Voyage of the Basilisk is the latest book in Marie Brennan's Memoirs of Lady Trent series; critic Genevieve Valentine says if you love dragons like Lady Trent does, now's the time to get acquainted.
Once upon a time, a historian went hunting for fairy tales. He found hundreds, but his collection was long thought lost. But now they've been found, and several are reprinted in The Turnip Princess.
These are not your father's fairy tales, but reviewer Genevieve Valentine says readers prepared to devote some time will find rich rewards in this newly translated volume of 10th-century Arab stories.
Richard K. Morgan's epic sword-and-planet (and alien technology) Land Fit for Heroes series is a good introduction to grimdark, a subgenre that aims to show the gritty underside of fantasy fiction.
Ann Leckie's eagerly awaited sequel to last year's Ancillary Justice quickly wraps up dangling plot threads, and sends heroine Breq on a brand new adventure, this time at the helm of her own ship.
A new Penguin compendium of documents relating to three centuries of witch trials lays the blame on fractured communities and cruel governments — and draws unsettling parallels to current events.
Alaya Dawn Johnson's latest is about senior at a Washington, D.C. prep school in the midst of a global pandemic. This book offers a chilling glimpse of a dystopia that could be just around the corner.
Deborah Harkness' latest concludes the sprawling story begun in A Discovery of Witches. There's a bit too much plot to handle comfortably, but fans will be happy to see favorite characters again.
Ten-year-old Melanie, the star of M.R. Carey's new novel, doesn't know why she needs armed guards and restraints. But readers will find out soon enough, in this grotesque yet grimly hopeful thriller.