Kelly Kronaizl
Gloria Hanson serves as the current mayor of Fort Pierre, and has always prided herself in being a cheerleader for whatever was worth cheering on. This month, SDPB recognizes her dedication to cheering on public broadcasting, with over 30 years under her belt as a Friend of SDPB.
Each month SDPB invites you to lend your perspective and experience to conversations that help us all better understand the history, issues, and events that impact South Dakota’s communities.
SDPB is pleased to welcome new staff members this month, Marcy Drew as Director of Education and Arielle Zionts as Business and Economic Development Reporter
Submissions accepted through June 7, 10:59pm CT at
Bea says she is happy with the way she has watched SDPB changed, as both a supporter and a founding member of the Friends of SDPB.
Connect with SDPB and your neighbors about topics that matter to South Dakotans with SDPB Spotlight.
South Dakota Public Broadcasting is pleased to announce SDPB has won nine 2021 Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards for Small Market Radio, including “Overall Excellence.”
After 23 years with SDPB, Bob Bosse is retiring. Bob joined SDPB in late 1998 as an Associate Producer. From that starting point, he became Producer and in 2002 was named Director of Television.
Jen and Ty Moos are originally from Helena, Montana. They relocated to South Dakota in 2006 for Ty’s job as a fisheries biologist for SD Games, Fish and Parks. Jen is a social worker who works primarily with the elderly.
A 200-mile journey on horseback honors Indigenous women and children past and present.