Laura Isensee
NewsSchool was supposed to begin this week in Houston, but Harvey's devastating flooding has made that impossible. Here's how the school district is coping and working to move forward.
NewsProfessors, activists and students alike are calling for the Texas School Board not to approve a textbook many find offensive.
Texas Supreme Court justices ruled the school funding system constitutional, and they aren't requiring any legislative changes. But they also said the state's 5 million schoolchildren deserve better.
NewsIn 1973, in a 5-4 vote, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled there's no right to equal school funding in the Constitution. But plaintiff Demetrio Rodriguez's legacy lives on — in his daughter, a teacher.
How much money a school can spend on its students still depends, in large part, on local property taxes. And many states aren't doing much to level the field for poor kids.
How much money a school can spend on its students still depends, in large part, on local property taxes. And many states aren't doing much to level the field for poor kids.
This high school geography textbook calls slaves "workers" and "immigrants." The publisher is working to correct the error, but what does it tell us about teaching history?
Whites and Asians get most of the spots in the city's gifted and talented program. One researcher describes it as being "segregated by race and income."
About 5 million public school students in Texas this year will get new and controversial textbooks that critics say water down history.
Our Secret Lives of Teachers series continues with Isis Smalls, who teaches English and coaches volleyball at a Houston middle school. She's also a beauty pageant winner.