Lisa Hagen
Lisa Hagen is a reporter at WABE.
In 2011, Lisa interned and produced videos for the English-language news site Al-Ahram, in Cairo, Egypt. She’s reported for DNAInfo.com and from Clinton Hill/Ft. Greene Brooklyn for the NYTimes’ “The Local” blog. She’s also put in a couple years as a stringer for the New York Post before moving south.
Lisa studied creative writing at Brooklyn’s Pratt Institute, but ended up with a much more practical degree in “Militarism and Sexuality” from New York University’s Gallatin School. A master’s degree from the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism seemed a next logical step.
She’s originally from Kahalu’u, Hawaii. Lisa does not know how to surf. She can, however, filet a salmon very quickly and is a lover of fly-fishing.
NewsGov. Nathan Deal said previous opposition to the bill had to do with lawmakers failing to include exemptions for "sensitive places" on campus, including preschools and disciplinary hearings.
President Trump will speak at the National Rifle Association convention on Friday. The last sitting president to address the NRA was Ronald Reagan in 1983, and the gun debate has changed since then.