Melissa Sievers
The first annual Lakota Food Sovereignty Summit took place February 18-20, 2020 in Rapid City. Multiple generations shared their knowledge of growing and foraging food.
Pasties are a popular meal in the Black Hills. This batch is ready to be baked.
Homeowners Andrew Forest and Ciara Rounds donated this evergreen tree to the 2019 Christmas at the Capitol event.
Our Dakota Life producer Melissa Siever shares how one story from this season has impacted her and others
Country Music has been a part of the American soundscape for a century, but is difficult to define. Appreciation for the genre varies widely. Ken Burns’ newest documentary project
Country Music has been a part of the American soundscape for a century, but is difficult to define. Dakota Life producer Melissa Sievers shares her take on the genre.
SDPB's Cara Hetland visits with Eddie Sullivan, PhD. Sullivan is the President, CEO and cofounder of SAB. They are working to deliver the world’s first large scale platform to crea
Harvest is underway, Dakota Life takes a moment to celebrate the joy of a productive season. Let's go to the fair!
Keya Cafe serves chocolate zucchini cake to their patrons and kindly share their recipe.