Rick Pluta
The Justice Department has taken steps to close the so-called "gun show loophole." But there's a murky legal question: Who counts as a gun seller?
While the winners of Michigan's Democratic and Republican primaries are not expected to be a surprise, the outcome can provide insights to candidate strength in a key battleground state.
Abortion access has declined dramatically nationwide, but many states have further protected abortion by enacting "shield laws," allocating funding, stockpiling medication and repealing old laws.
In 2023, a record number of states have passed rules or legislation to eliminate youth gender-affirming care, but a record number of states have also moved to protect care for trans youth and adults.
First the first time in 40 years, Democrats control every part of Michigan's state government. After Monday's shooting at Michigan State University, the party is pushing hard for gun restrictions.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, won a second term over Republican Tudor Dixon. Voters also acted to enshrine abortion rights in the state's constitution.
Michigan is one of the states that turned to lottery drawings to get more people vaccinated against COVID-19. There's concern among some health experts that interest will drop once the lotteries end.
Michigan has seen a surge in COVID-19 cases, and skepticism is growing over health orders and vaccines. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is in persuasion mode to try to get vaccine skeptics on board.
Michigan ex-Gov. Rick Snyder and a former Flint public works director have each been charged with two misdemeanor counts of willful neglect of duty in connection with the Flint water crisis.
NewsDemocrats say it doesn't go far enough. Republicans say it goes too far. After armed protests in Lansing and a violent riot in D.C., Michigan's Capitol bans open carry, joining a majority of states.