On today's show...
Delwin Fiddler, Jr. left Green Grass, South Dakota, for Philadelphia to escape grief and trauma. When he returned home, a documentary film crew accompanied him.
"Without Arrows" is a feature film on PBS Independent Lens. SDPB screens the documentary on both sides of the river.
Catch it on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 6 p.m. Central Time in SDPB's downtown Sioux Falls studio. Or on Saturday, Jan. 11 at the Journey Museum in Rapid City.
The film's directors and protagonist join "In the Moment" for a roundtable discussion.
Filmmakers Jonathan Olshefski and Elizabeth Day spent 13 years with the Fiddler family to craft the documentary.
Olshefski, Day and Delwin Fiddler, Jr. spend an hour with us.