On today's show...
Mike Thompson, J.D., takes a look into a Supreme Court case scrutinizing an incident of deadly police force and the "moment of the threat" doctrine.
He is an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Sioux Falls (1:00 to 10:55).
In a special issue of the South Dakota History Journal, Corey Christianson explores a farmer's path to the Western Front.
She is the registrar of the South Dakota State Historical Society Museum and author of "A South Dakotan in the Great War." She outlines Alfred G. Dahlin's march through Europe and his wounding in battle.
Plus, she explores his eventual return to his Sisseton farm and the struggles he faced after discharge (10:56 to 38:56).
For this Tuesday's Teacher Talk episode, Gina Benz and Jackie Wilber discuss how educators can set up boundaries with their students (38:57 to 49:00).
Listen to the full conversation on the Teacher Talk podcast.