In The Moment
Monday - Friday
In the Moment with Lori Walsh is SDPB’s daily radio program.
We bring you world-class radio storytelling featuring the highest journalistic integrity. We tell true stories of our state and true stories of people who are doing something or creating something for a reason. We tell these stories with intelligence, fairness, compassion and imagination. We bring our listeners into the conversations and keep them In the Moment.
Monday through Friday, at 9 a.m., 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. CT
Latest Episodes
Nathan Sanderson with the South Dakota Retailers Association and David Owen with the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry join us. Plus, a Brookings restauranter.
We explore Hewitt v. United States' connection to criminal justice reform and legislative language. Plus, Attorney General Marty Jackley shares his priorities this session.
The South Dakota State Library takes up a small part of a Pierre building, but its services make a big impact around the state, especially in rural communities.
Joe Santos, Ph.D., reports back from the American Economic Association annual meeting. He turns his macroeconomist lens to the next presidential administration.
Doulas help people take the leap from pregnancy into parenthood. And they can be your advocate during end-of-life care.
Delwin Fiddler Jr. built a life in Philadelphia. Then he bought a one-way ticket back home. The directors and protagonist of "Without Arrows" unpack the family narrative.
Karl Gehrke and Lee Strubinger always have their ears perked for new sounds. As we say goodbye to 2024, they share the songs that they couldn't get out of their heads.
Miss South Dakota turns a camera on the most endangered mammal in North America. An explorer invites citizen scientists along on her adventures. A composer uplifts female artists.
We look to the future with two lawmakers who were on the Joint Appropriations Committee. Rep. Linda Duba and Sen. Jean Hunhoff talk about budgeting during a tight year.
The majority leader of South Dakota's Sate Senate previews the upcoming session. U.S. Rep. Dusty Johnson shares the top issues he's bringing to Washington.