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Cloudy drinking water raises concerns in Aberdeen | July 26


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On today's update...

Residents of Aberdeen were greeted with murky drinking water after a malfunction in the treatment plant. While there is no immediate health concern for residents, it comes after the community water superintendent described the plant as 'ready to fail.'

The last Democrat to serve as speaker of the South Dakota House has died. Gene Lebrun is remembered by friends and colleagues as a gracious public servant.

Rapid City officials are taking a moment to remind the public to observe community water conservation efforts. Through August, Rapid City residents cannot water their lawns between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily.

Sturgis is shifting into gear for the 83rd rally and that starts with changes to local traffic. One of the first steps involves setting up temporary traffic signals and stop signs.

Hunters across the state are requesting a pursuit season for mountain lions. This season would be in addition to normal mountain lion harvest season, but would end with shooting cameras rather than guns.

The Black Hills National Forest is proposing a timber harvest and thinning operation on land about five miles west of Rapid City. They are accepting public comments.

And more.

Krystal is the local host of "All Things Considered."