Lawmakers in Pierre changed their own rules Monday to introduce a new bill on veto day. The final day of the session is reserved for reconsidering bills the governor vetoes. Not this year.
Senate Bill 179 extends probationary time for juveniles.
Lawmakers in the South Dakota State Legislature introduced it, approved it, and delivered it to the governor all in one day.
Lawmakers in both chambers support changing the rules for one bill. Governor Dennis Daugaard says this time the move works.
"It is a very rare thing. It has happened in the past. I recall being in the legislature when motions like that have been raised. They usually are met with resistance, because new ideas – that’s not the time and place to introduce them. However, of course, this was not a new idea," Daugaard says.
Daugaard says the bill received enough consideration because lawmakers approved its language in a bill the governor vetoed. State Representatives added to Senate Bill 164 before its final legislative vote.
The governor says that change is a problem. Veto day’s Senate Bill 179 is the same language, minus the amendment.
Daugaard says he expects to sign the legislation.