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SDPB Radio Coverage of the South Dakota Legislature. See all coverage and find links to audio and video streams live from the Capitol at

Statehouse Podcast: Drug Abuse, State of Judiciary, Medicaid 101, and Suicide Rates

Attorney General Marty Jackley says he wants legislation designed to restrict the supply of methamphetamine in South Dakota.  Jackley says there's a nationwide meth epidemic, and South Dakota lawmakers have a chance to lessen its effects in the state. 

South Dakota’s State Supreme Court Chief Justice David Gilbertson is pointing to the success of drug courts in reducing recidivism.  During his annual State of the Judiciary speech, Gilbertson called for similar courts for veterans and mental health.

Following Governor Daugaard’s announcement that South Dakota would seek a work waiver for certain Medicaid enrollees, lawmakers met for what presenters called “Medicaid 101.” 

Two South Dakota counties, Corson and Todd, rank in the top one percent nationally with the highest suicide rates. South Dakota youth are considered high risk.

Cara Hetland is the Director of Radio and Journalism Content for South Dakota Public Broadcasting.