The Joint Committee on Appropriations is advancing a bill making cuts to state library funding.
Though proposed cuts have received backlash, committee members say this bill is a happy medium that “saves” the state’s library system.
In former Gov. Kristi Noem’s budget address, she proposed a $1 million cut to the State Library budget in order to slim down the state’s budget.
Opponents of the cuts say Noem’s proposal would have forced the department to lay off 12 of the 21 current employees and lead to losses in crucial areas for libraries across the state.
The new bill proposes $825,000 in cuts but is looked at more favorably by opponents. That’s because it lets the state remain eligible for federal grants – to the tune of nearly $1.4 million.
Rep. Terri Jorgenson is the bill’s prime sponsor. She said the committee heard complaints with the previous proposal and adjusted accordingly.
“These changes would allow DOE to retain 8 full-time employees. This would would also bring a total budget of 1.3 million in general funds, and it would also allow us to be eligible for a federal fund," Jorgenson said. "So, what is this change going to do? It’s going to keep our library and to continue to provide these services to our librarians across the state.”
Jorgenson said HB 1041 specifically keeps 17 full-time employees, the interlibrary loan, summer reading programs and braille and talking books.
Joseph Graves is the state Secretary of Education. He said the new budget is much more research friendly.
“I would say I guess if there is anything that has been reduced that would still affect individuals, but frankly more constituents in the state rather than schools or perhaps even the local library, would be in the area of the databases. We’ve maintained many more databases in this proposal than we’ve been able to in the past,” Graves said.
One of the remaining cuts left is the State Library Board. Graves said he sees the board as “unnecessary.”
Nobody spoke in opposition of the bill. It passes committee 16-2 and now heads to the House floor.