New SDPB documentary profiles impact of SD people & places on space travel & aerospace industry.
The public is invited to preview screening of SDPB’s new documentary Images of the Past: Space Age South Dakota. The screenings are free and open to the public.
Saturday, July 13, 9:30am – South Dakota Air & Space Museum, Box Elder
The South Dakota Military History Forum presents “Man Landing on the Moon.” Join Thomas Durkin, Deputy Director of the South Dakota Space Grant Consortium, for a discussion of the Apollo 11 mission, as well as a preview of Space Age South Dakota. Free and open to the public.
Saturday, July 13, 9am, 10:30am, noon & 2pm, Sanford Underground Research Facility, Education Room, Lead
SDPB helps celebrate the 11th Annual Neutrino Day at SURF with previews of Space Age South Dakota. Free and open to the public.

From the record-setting high altitude balloon flights launched out of the Black Hills’ Stratobowl, to South Dakotans working as NASA engineers, to the Earth Resources Observation Satellite Network in Sioux Falls, South Dakota has helped humankind “chase the moon” – and beyond – since the early days of space exploration.

Images of the Past: Space Age South Dakota premieres Thursday, July 18, 8pm (7 MT) on SDPB1.