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Spring Salmon | Savor Dakota Recipe

Killian's Spring Salmon

Spring Salmon
as featured on Savor Dakota Episode 1: Spring
Created by Nick Caton and Drafted by MJ Adams

Salmon-7 ounces

Rub salmon filet with a little olive, vegetable or canola oil and sear on top of a griddle. Flip it over and place on a cedar plank that has been soaked in water. Then place the plank and fish back on the grill and cook the filet through to create a little smokey-cedar flavor.

Depending on how you like your salmon cooked the rule of thumb is 8-10 minutes per inch thickness.

Alternative Preparation:

In a small saute pan, add 1 T. of Olive Oil.

When it starts to slightly smoke, gently place the salmon into the pan, with the side you are serving down first. Turn down the heat and let brown for about 4 minutes, flip over , sprinkle with a little salt and place in a 400º oven for 5 minutes.

You could also cook on your outdoor grill. Gently rub the salmon with a little olive oil and season with a little salt. Make sure you grill is clean and then take a cloth that has some cooking oil of your choice on it and rub the grill with it.

Don’t over saturate it with oil or the grill will flare up. You want to just rub the grill down so that nothing will stick to it. Make sure it is at least around 400º and place the salmon, serving side down first. When it has some marks or color, flip over and cook about 3 more minutes. Depending on the size of the salmon, it may take more or less time to finish.

Spring Vegetables and Greens

1/2 slice of bacon, about 1 T. of product
1/4 cup of radishes medium dice
1/2 cup of white turnips medium dice
handful (about 3/4 cup) of mustard greens
handful (about 3/4 cup) of fresh arugula or watercress could be an alternative

In a large sauté pan that has been heated over the stove, add the bacon. Let cook until some of the bacon fat has been released. Add in the radishes and the turnips. Cook for a few minutes. Add in the mustard greens and arugula and toss and season. Put onto a platter and crumble with 2 T. of goat cheese.

Hollaindaise sauce

Hollandaise is something that is best prepared right before serving.

You don’t see this made fresh in a lot of restaurants, many businesses use Knorr’s hollandaise sauce which is much easier. It is worth making once in awhile. – MJ Adams

4 large egg yolks
pinch of salt
1 T. of lemon juice
1/4 lb. of butter that is melted but not too hot.

Take a large metal bowl, big enough to incorporate the yolks and butter. Place the yolks into the bowl and whisk. Place the bowl over a double boiler with hot, not boiling water. Immediately begin to slowly drizzle the butter in a steady stream into the yolks while whisking the entire time until the sauce thickens, then remove from the heat.

Whisk in the pinch of salt and the lemon juice into the mixture. If this curdles, beat in a T of cold water.

A classic Bernaise sauce is with white wine, tarragon and shallots. Take 1/2 cup of white wine, 1 T. of finely minced shallots and 2 tsp. of finely minced tarragon and reduce to about 1/2 T. Be careful not to burn it. Take this mixture and incorporate into the 4 egg yolks and follow the same directions you would for hollandaise sauce.


Take the platter that you just put sautéed bacon, radish, sautéed green mixture and goat cheese placed on it. Place the cooked piece of salmon next to this. Drizzle the Bernaise sauce over the top of the Salmon. Take a fresh jalapeño and gently grate this over the entire dish, about 1/4 of a tablespoon.


Chef MJ Adams was the host of SDPB's Savor Dakota. Watch full episodes of Savor Dakota at https://www.watch.sdpb.org, the PBS app or on YouTube.