Savor Dakota – Winter
This month Savor Dakota explores the ways South Dakotans keep their bellies full and their food flavored during Midwestern winters.
We visit permaculturalist Talli Nauman at Moonrise Mountain in Spearfish to learn about growing and drying herbs.
Mavis Two Bulls of Spearfish shares her mother’s recipe for frybread with Talli and host MJ Adams. “When we make frybread, it’s for a gathering, for other people,” says Mavis. “So what we want to do is center ourselves and come to a peaceful point. Because everything that we’re feeling is going to go into the making of the frybread. Watching my mom and aunties making frybread – that’s always been a way of life for us.”
We also visit USD students Collette Bowman and Isaac YellowBank at the Native American Cultural Center in Vermillion. With recipes passed down from families, Bowman, YellowBank and others make dough and frybread for a popular monthly Indian Taco sale to raise funds for the annual USD wacipi.
And Jhon Goes in Center of Pine Ridge and his sister Geraldine Goes in Center of Pine Ridge forage for timpsila, or wild turnip, on family land. Jhon shows MJ how to make hearty waháŋpi (soup) featuring timpsila.