In the Moment: Innovation
Fridays at Noon Central, 11 am Mountain
SDPB Radio News Director Cara Hetland hosts this program which explores the cutting edge products and services being offered by South Dakotans. Airs on alternating Fridays.
Latest Episodes
Thadeus Giedd is an entrepreneur and owns the TEDx license for Sioux Falls. The event is scheduled for May 21st and applications to present a ted talk are…
Kelly Serr is the Warning Coordination Meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Aberdeen. The 2020 Spring Flood Outlook was released on…
Greg Michna of the SDSU Mechanical Engineering Department about how he and his colleague Stephen Gent are modeling the flow of argon through neutrino…
Four faculty researchers in South Dakota State University School of Design are looking for ways to manage stormwater that can reduce runoff. Landscape…
NewsMark Brown has been appointed as the new president of the USD Discovery District. He began his job this week. Brown holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics…
Assistant professor Rob Lonsinger of the SDSU Department of Natural Resource Management is working on two projects related to managing bobcats in South…
South Dakota Mines Adjunct Professor, Dr. Cheryl Chapman, will speak on her upcoming STEAM Café talk on the expansion of the EPICS program at SD Mines.…
Eric Morrison is a graduate student at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology – he’s part of a team that has built an air purifier that has reduced…
Up to 14% of children from birth to age 5 experience some kind of social or emotional difficulty that can impact their development. The South Dakota Early…
As the opioid crisis continues to grip national headlines and Governor Noem turns attention to battling meth in South Dakota, Avera is opening its…