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In The Moment: Segments
Weekdays 11:00am CT - 1:00pm CT/10:00am MT - Noon MT

Welcome to the In The Moment Segments. Here is where you can find all invidual segments from our radio program.

In the Moment is SDPB’s daily news and culture magazine program. We have a deeply rooted sense of place, and that place is South Dakota. In the Moment features authentic conversations with news makers, scholars, artists, and everyday South Dakotans. We bring you world-class radio storytelling featuring the highest journalistic integrity. We tell true stories of our state and true stories of people who are doing something or creating something for a reason. We tell these stories with intelligence, fairness, compassion and imagination. We bring our listeners into the conversations and keep them In the Moment.

Keep up with Lori Walsh by reading her "In the Margins" blog at www.sdpb.org/margins.

Be sure to check out the In The Moment podcast wherever you find your podcasts.

For more information, you can contact the In The Moment team at 800-456-0766

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