On today's show...
Jennifer Zavaleta Cheek, Ph.D., explores the role of women, wild-grown food and researchers in areas of the world dealing with food insecurity.
Dan Ahlers has been an entrepreneur, board member, legislator and substitute teacher. Now, he's the new executive director of the South Dakota Democratic Party.
In 2015, Seth Tupper examined a stack of lobbyist disclosure forms from the state. To his surprise, the forms were mostly blank. He did a deep dive as editor-in-chief of the South Dakota Searchlight to explore South Dakota's lax lobbyist disclosure laws.
Plus, he talks about Gov. Noem's use of the state's Emergency and Disaster Fund and her investment in an ethanol plant with ties to Summit Carbon Solutions.
Artist Hector Curriel stops by the studio to chat about his upcoming exhibit "South Dakota in Ink." The showcase runs from July 20 to Aug. 27 at the Brookings Arts Council.
And make sure to pay attention when Christian Madsbjerg joins the show to discuss his book, "LOOK: How to Pay Attention in a Distracted World."