On today's show...
Lura Roti heads to the South Dakota countryside on the hunt for unmarked graves with self-proclaimed grave witchers. They work their craft with two wires and what they call “the gift.” Watch the witchers in action.
For On Call with the Prairie Doc®, Kelly Evans-Hullinger, M.D., talks about the importance of leaving embarrassment at the door and discussing gastrointestinal issues with your provider.
For almost four decades, Sen. Mitch McConnell has been one of the most powerful moderate Republicans in the party. Now, he's one of the last.
We talk to Michael Kirk, director, writer and producer of the documentary "McConnell, the GOP & the Court," ahead of his film's premiere.
Humorist and writer Dorothy Rosby shares her tricks for getting the maximum amount of treats on Halloween night.
Plus, we talk about cell phone use in the classroom for this week's Teacher Talk conversation. Read the companion blog.