On today's show...
In his final hours in office, former President Joe Biden commuted the sentence of Leonard Peltier.
SDPB's Lee Strubinger explores the action and its celebrations and criticisms. He also previews the upcoming legislative session and the bills he's watching (1:00 to 8:36).
Gov. Kristi Noem spent a week in Washington, D.C. Our Dakota Political Junkies recap her time out of state and her political rise.
Seth Tupper is editor-in-chief of South Dakota Searchlight, and Jonathan Ellis is co-founder of The Dakota Scout (8:36 to 23:23).
It's been a century of meetings for the state Legislature. South Dakota Magazine editor Bernie Hunhoff takes listeners through 100 "imperfect" sessions (23:23 to 39:18).
Plus, Rep. Tony Venhuizen shares how legislators will commemorate the milestone in the Capitol and beyond (39:18 to 49:09).