On today's show...
Secretary Hunter Roberts kicks off the show for National Ag Day.
He is South Dakota's Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Roberts looks back on the 100th legislative session and how national tariff policy may help and hurt different producers here at home (1:00 to 15:58).
We head to central South Dakota to meet rancher Kelsey Scott. She owns DX Beef, a direct-to-consumer regenerative beef company.
Scott discusses her philosophy of working with the land and choosing cattle for their disposition (15:58 to 35:01).
Plus, the Future Farmers of America has a rich history of investing in the farmers of today, tomorrow and the past.
Lura Roti, a South Dakota agricultural journalist, and Wyatt DeJong, South Dakota FFA Executive Secretary, take us into more than 95 years of FFA history (35:01 to 49:08).