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Filmmaker featurette - Sarah Botstein


Co-director and producer Sarah Botstein on making U.S. and the Holocaust.

Corporate funding provided by Bank of America. Major funding provided by David M. Rubenstein; the Park Foundation; the Judy and Peter Blum Kovler Foundation; Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Darling; The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations; and by the following members of The Better Angels Society: Jeannie and Jonathan Lavine; Jan and Rick Cohen; Allan and Shelley Holt; the Koret Foundation; David and Susan Kreisman; Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder; Blavatnik Family Foundation; Crown Family Philanthropies, honoring the Crown and Goodman Families; the Fullerton Family Charitable Fund; Dr. Georgette Bennett and Dr. Leonard Polonsky; The Russell Berrie Foundation; Diane and Hal Brierley; John and Catherine Debs; and Leah Joy Zell and the Joy Foundation. Funding was also provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by public television viewers.
Asking how we as a society can learn from the past.
Asking if the U.S. has a responsibility to intervene in humanitarian crises.
Asking what it means to be a land of immigrants.
Asking what individuals can do when governments fail to act.
As war begins, some Americans work tirelessly to help refugees; others remain indifferent.
As the Allies liberate German camps, the public sees the sheer scale of the Holocaust.
Reversing open borders, a xenophobic backlash prompts Congress to restrict immigration.
An attempt to save refugee children in the US hits antisemitism "so deep and so cruel."
Una reacción xenófoba lleva al Congreso a restringir la inmigración.
Los Aliados liberan los campos Alemanes y el público ve la magnitud del Holocausto.
Latest Episodes
Los Aliados liberan los campos Alemanes y el público ve la magnitud del Holocausto.
As the Allies liberate German camps, the public sees the sheer scale of the Holocaust.
En la guerra, algunos estadounidenses ayudan a los refugiados; otros son indiferentes.
As war begins, some Americans work tirelessly to help refugees; others remain indifferent.
Una reacción xenófoba lleva al Congreso a restringir la inmigración.
Reversing open borders, a xenophobic backlash prompts Congress to restrict immigration.