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    In The Moment ... March 30, 2020 Show 784 Hour 2As the South Dakota economy grinds to a halt and people stay home to help prevent the spread of…
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    In The Moment ... August 7, 2017 Show 150 Hour 2In some parts of the country beef has been and is a bad subject among environmentalists and health…
  • The US Department of Agriculture is now allowing beef to be imported from parts of Brazil. Several South Dakota livestock groups are not happy with the…
  • Beef maybe making a comeback among us consumers including those in South Dakota. Studies predict that 2016 is going to see a bump in red meat consumption.…
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    Meat you buy in the local supermarket may no longer carry a label showing what country it came from following a ruling by the World Trade Organization.The…
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    Country of Origin Labeling on meat products was first part of the 2002 Farm Bill. Since taking effect the measure has gained broad support from both…
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    The burger or steak on your dinner plate could come from Brazil if a new proposal by the USDA goes into effect.The Federal Agency is now taking comments…
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    You’ve heard of a pub crawl--where patrons move from bar to bar throughout the night and may end up crawling home by the end. But how about a “Beef…