Monument Health is donating $2 million to the new West River Area Health Education Center to be completed in fall 2023.
The Mickelson Trail follows 110-miles of abandoned railroad through the Black Hills. In its heyday, the route connected Deadwood and Edgemont.
NewsMarch 3, 2021 Show 1000:Dakota Political Junkies, Pam Carriveau, professor of Political Science at BHSU, and Jonathan Ellis, investigative reporter and…
In The Moment … September 29, 2020 Show 912 Hour 2What can the candidates learn from past debates in order to gain the upper hand - or to avoid a major…
Fall enrollment is down in the state’s public university system for a third year in a row, but Board of Regents leadership says it’s not all bad news.The…
In The Moment ... July 7, 2020 Show 853 Hour 2Gina Gibson took her first trip underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility one year ago. We…
In The Moment … June 23, 2020 Show 844 Hour 2During this centennial year of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which assured that women the United…
NewsIn The Moment … June 22, 2020 Show 843 Hour 1Types of remarks, questions, or even actions that are painful towards others are known as microaggressions.…
NewsSouth Dakota Board of Regents Schools are making adjustments to their fall semester schedules due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The institutions semesters…
The Board of Regents has new information about the fall semester for the state’s six public universities. Students will start classes a few days earlier…