Amazon’s Sioux Falls warehouse is in full operation and uses robots to fulfill orders across the state.
A narrow majority of Republicans in the U.S. House are turning the vote for Speaker of the House into a staring contest. That’s how South Dakota’s lone Representative Dusty Johnson describes the vote. He is backing Republican Kevin McCarthy for the job, who failed to get 218 votes needed to win.
While the holidays are supposed to be a time of happiness and cheer, getting scammed is a quick way to lose that Christmas spirit. What should you be on the lookout for this holiday season?
Congress is passing a bill that repeals 11 federal laws that discriminate against Native Americans. Two Republican members of South Dakota’s congressional delegation pushed the bill forward—Sen. Mike Rounds and Rep. Dusty Johnson.
The B-21 Raider is a stealth plane military officials call “the next evolution of the Air Force strategic bomber fleet.”
South Dakota’s lone U.S. Representative anticipates major undertaking with upcoming farm bill negotiations. Republican Dusty Johnson says federal politics are more partisan than prior farm bill efforts.
Johnson earned a second term in Congress after defeating Libertarian Collin Duprel on Nov. 8.
SDPB hosted the 2022 U.S. House of Representatives debate Thursday night in the Leo P. Flynn Gallery in downtown Sioux Falls.
Libertarian Colin Duprel and Republican incumbent Dusty Johnson square off in the only debate for the South Dakota’s lone U.S. House seat.
While the candidates for South Dakota's seat in the U.S. agree on many economic matters, they differ strongly on a few key social issues.